Research Informed Outputs

The following are comparative data that are provided within Single-Test reports to give context to SenSen outputs:

30s Chair Stand - normed to groups by gender using total count (mean age M=73, W=69), cutoff scores for fall risk for clients ages 60-94.

5 Time Sit to Stand - normed to groups by gender and age, cutoff scores for fall risk for clients 65 years and older.

TUG - normed to gender and age, total using total time; cutoff scores for fall risk (CDC)

Gait Test - normed to gender and age for 3m and 6m tests; Cutoff scores as a predictor of adverse events for adults 75+ years

4SBT - Cutoff scores for fall risk are available for all clients 65 years and older.

  • Cutoff scores for fall risk: CDC

mCTSIB - normed data collected using SenSen